Your biggest fans are waiting!
"isn't this work better done by myself?"
Totally valid question.
I was a DIYer too so I really understand the desire to "figure it out" in the privacy of my own home/timeline. I often avoided group work because I didn't want to feel like I was "behind" or look foolish when I asked a question.
Truth be told, the greatest healing I've experienced from group work in a personal development space is that I allowed myself to be human, with other humans.
Having a group that is similar enough to you (in the same developmental stage, struggling with similar challenges, or having a similar background) creates a container in which you- or this "part" of you can experience belonging.
I am amazed at the newest research around the impact of "belonging" on the development of our emotions and nervous system. For many of us, there are still outstanding wounds of rejection, humiliation, and abandonment that keep us from fully experiencing the type of connection we deeply yearn for. If this hasn't shown up romantically, I can almost predict it shows up with your peers (especially other women).
The "sisterhood wound" as I've heard it called is deep. And, like it or not, keeps us from being as successful as we could be in love and career.
It creates a mental hierarchy causing many women to unconsciously swing between "competing" or "submitting" when collaboration would actually elevate both our gifts.
It reinforces old stories that cause you to feel insecure around the very women who, in my experience, would otherwise be your greatest champions.
Part of the reason I decided to create a group for this type of work is that when we heal this part of our past, we allow space for a deep bond of trust that will be mirrored in our other connections.
When we feel we belong to a tribe, we experience the visceral safety that boundaries are meant to protect. We get to recreate the experiences needed to heal and show up differently present day.
Many of my clients who feel stuck in a life that doesn't feel like "their best", tend to have experiences with their boundaries being violated to the point that they don't have them as adults. They walk, talk, and look like successful adults, but inside they feel small, insecure of their abilities (even though everyone tells them how great they are), and afraid to ask too much.
In participating with a group of other women (who resonate with that life experience and are actively working to unwind the impact), you get the benefit of witnessing their healing (often their shares will resonate deeply with you and you heal by proxy) AND be witnessed by them (nothing creates a more corrective experience than being 'held' in the loving gaze of someone who has 'been there too'.
Additionally, you have a larger audience in which to be seen so how better to practice shedding old habits that have kept you small than in a group of your newest fans👏.
Your counsel just expanded.
Need advice, these are your new go-tos🤝.
Want support talking out where you're getting stuck setting boundaries, here again🫶.
Needing accountability to enforce the boundaries you set, hi👋 you've got this.
Joining a group like this is like an implied commitment to show up fully for your own healing and therefore to give others full permission to be seen as well.
If you tend to be a DIY-er, I would invite you to give the group dynamic a try (the price goes up in 3 days).
I have met my dearest friends in group courses- ones who know more of me than people that have been in my life since elementary school. The amplified healing that can happen in a live, group container is just magic.
Click below to dive in!
We're all cheering for your breakthroughs.