Why Looking for “Chemistry” from Your Diet Will Keep You Attracted to the Wrong Foods

Sometimes the ways women approach “healthy” foods can be the same way she would approach a healthy man.

She finds them boring and a struggle to build ongoing attraction.

This keeps her bouncing around to different diets that promise to help her “lose 20lb in 2 weeks by simply eating XYZ”.

Even with a healthy, masculine energy man, she won’t allow the experience to fully nourish her because she may not understand what is trying to be offered to her and therefore isn’t available to receive the gift of his company.

This means all the times he tells a joke, offering her some laughter will be seen as *him* being uncomfortable instead of trying to make her *more* comfortable.

(Regardless of who is uncomfortable, it’s the way we see things that creates our experience).

What she needs to understand is how the feminine operates.

When she feels safe and comfortable, she will allow herself to be open emotionally, revealing her feminine energy- the most authentic version of herself (and THE MOST attractive thing to a man).

Masculine energy seems to instinctively know this and empowered men are here. for. it!

This is why they are always- consciously or not- trying to help her feel more comfortable.

They want her to get what she needs.

However, many women don’t *see* it that way.

Through years of training and pain that are often passed down from well-intentioned teachers, they often see men as takers.

This is where seeing a man as empowered (and being able to recognize it) can make all the difference.

When a woman sees everyone as empowered, she gets permission to shift her perspective from “everyone’s taking from me” to “everyone's trying to give to me”.

She will begin to show up differently and be attracted to different types of men when she begins to embody this belief.

Feel how different that feels in your own body.

Additionally, the more she will feel empowered to lower her defenses and allow connections to see in (intimacy) and dating becomes 1000% easier because her only “job” then is to choose what feels best to her.

In this way, using an inside-out approach, she is able to find the best fit for her.

Instead of going in with her checklist, she learns to trust herself (and others) which has a life-long impact on all of her relationships.

The more she practices trusting herself and opening up, the more able she is to get what she needs.

It’s the same in her relationship with food.

Most of what she learned about food, her body, and being able to get what she needs to feel her best came from watching the women in her life.

Many of them have years of painful experiences that were also passed down through well-meaning “teachers” that lead her to think that calories require more of her than they provide.

If no one ever *modeled* what to look for to qualify a “healthy food” or what a healthy relationship with food looks like, it makes sense that, at best, she comes to the table with a checklist of what she thinks she needs but it’s probably not translating into what she really wants.

What she needs to know is that calories also want to provide for her.

They provide relief from hunger, energy, and satisfaction.

She doesn’t need to be on guard all the time and she doesn’t need to feel guilty about receiving these things.

But like the dating analogy, there will be times that what is being offered just doesn’t feel good to receive (and she's allowed to decline).

Based on her energy level and the way her body responds (does it make her tired?, bloated or sluggish?, anxious?, etc), she will be able to qualify which calories she wants to continue allowing to provide for her.

She will begin showing up differently and be attracted to different foods as she starts to trust this feedback.

She will feel more empowered, and food that doesn’t help her feel her best will fade to the side while nutrient-dense foods (like an empowered man) will eventually become the obvious front runner.

Not all calories are the same like not all men are the same, and finding what feels most supportive to your body will vary from person to person.

Women that are most successful in dating focus most of their attention on the men that show up the most empowered.

They create a power couple where they are both thriving and the relationship is thriving.

Similarly, the women that are successful at managing their weight focus most on consuming calories that are most nutrient-dense (aka empowered ) and help them feel their best.

This inside-out approach is counterintuitive and I have used it myself and with clients. This is my specialty.

As a bonus in my group coaching program, Nourished, I go more in-depth about how to identify these “empowered” foods as you’re creating meals for yourself and your family.

In the 5 main modules, we discuss:

The principles of masculine and feminine energy- how to identify them in yourself and others and how to nurture them in healthy ways to support your goals.

The inner child and how appetite relates to emotion. I share tools and worksheets so you can provide healing and guidance for your inner child so that it doesn’t continue to sabotage your diet attempts.

Being able to manage the most common triggers like the number on the scale and following the “rules”, and discerning proper portions for your body.

The women this was designed for are natural creators, maybe still sitting on that next big project (that’s ok!)

She is driven and successful in her career, supporting others to reach their dreams.

She is willing to explore her internal world and wants support in breaking the cycles of dieting that have left her re-losing the same 20lb.

She wants to trust herself more and have a healthy body more than she’s tied to a number on the scale.

Often, she’s tried many different diets and, while drawn to intuitive eating principles, hasn’t found the right fit for her.

She’s drawn to deep emotional healing and understanding her experience and yet hasn’t found a way to translate her work into her health and wellbeing.

This is offered as a self-study option, complete with guided healing to do at your own pace or with additional 1:1 support where we can tailor deeper healing for your specific situation and habits to create a plan for your transformation. If this feels like a good fit, email me (CSchandNutrition@gmail.com) and we will get you started right away.


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