This course is designed to take you step by step into a new relationship with your body and with food using my 4 part Signature Method for growth.
The clients I work best with are deep feelers, intuitive, creative, caring women who have been trying to fit into a diet.
What this type of woman most needs to thrive is someone who speaks her language (feelings) and will help her reframe her emotional experience into actionable tasks that *feel* authentic for her. This personality tends to think shorter periods are advantageous because she is capable of being very disciplined but it burns out quickly. She doesn't realize that she works best when we *relieve* the pressure of needing a certain result in a specific time. This turns on her intuition and creativity to find what works for her.
The women who create the best results from this are ready to create a healthy relationship with food more than they are motivated by a number on the scale.
They have usually lost and regained the same 5-20(+) pounds and want to keep it off but find themselves sliding back into old habits when they “go off” of a diet.
They are open-minded and creative; willing to look inside themselves and explore their own masculine and feminine energy to create healthier relationships in all areas of their life.
They usually have a strong pull toward healing and have often worked to heal deep trauma but haven't found a way to integrate it into the area of their health and wellness.
What you’ll get
Video and worksheets for all 4 phases: Awareness, Structure, Embody, and Challenge of this signature method to help you create stability and release deeply held beliefs about your relationship with food.
Perspective shifts for exercise that are unique to each phase of your growth. This keeps you feeling in charge of how you include activity into your plan.
Understand the parts of you and how to naturally set boundaries that prioritize your goals at each stage of the journey.
Worksheets designed to help you see your patterns so you clearly know how to support yourself moving forward.
Complementary emails are designed to pop into your inbox 3-4 days/week. These are like having a correspondence-based coaching session- you’ll get real-life applications of this material, empowering mindset shifts, and reminders to stay on track.
Mastering Meal Planning Bundle- 3 of the most popular masterclasses (How to Plan Meals, Automating your Meals: How to Create Vartiety While Cooking 3 Days or Less/week, and Supported: Creating the Experience of Harmony at Home).
An extra $130 value
What’s inside
Phase 1: Awareness
The results we’ve been getting are because of habits we currently have. This section shines some light on the ways you have been
Phase 2: Structure
To stop feeling out of control around food, we need to build a support structure underneath us to act as a safety net. All the content in this phase is designed to help you begin building and reinforcing the areas of your life so that you can support a healthy relationship with food with less effort. You will also learn basic Nervous System theories and practical tools to create an experience of stability in your body and neutralize the “draw” certain foods once had on you.
Phase 3: Embody
From a stable base, we can dive deeper into the inner world. This phase naturally follows the Structure phase because of the natural tendency to integrate new insights and wisdom once we reach a higher vantage point. The content in this phase is designed to help you lovingly explore your food story, tracing your experiences back to your family (and their family) so you can keep what is still empowering and release the beliefs that are no longer of service to your continued growth.
Phase 4: Challenge
It happens like clockwork: you’ve been following a routine that helps you feel good and one day you feel restless and bored. This doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong, it actually means you’re doing something very right… and you’re ready for more. Knowing how to navigate this phase is often what has us throwing the baby out with the bathwater when all we need is a minor tweak (and some new awareness). This phase is designed to help you know what is a normal part of growth and how to trust yourself in finding your next step instead of staying in your comfort zone. You will come face to face with your relationship to “discipline”, “accountability”, and what you thought we were capable of so you can continue growing.
Hear From a Grad
The best way to know what a program is like to is to hear from someone who’s been through it. This Nourished graduate permitted us to share her insights and experience with the content so anyone who was on the fence could make a more informed decision.
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✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
Of course, when we invest in "another program", it's easy to want to feel confident we will get a good ROI. To me this is more about trusting in yourself and making an investment based on what you know you need (i.e. if you repeatedly struggle in one area, *that* is where you need to invest in some support).
While my clients do typically see weight loss (inches, dress size, more muscle, less rebound weight, longer-lasting results, etc.), what they gain is freedom from the scale. This is one of the most consistent results I've seen- no longer being triggered out of taking healthy action based on what the scale says.
I do not promise specific results because everyone is different- we have different levels of energy, motivation, values, goals, and bodies. If you're consistent in consuming the content and applying what makes sense to you, I have no reason to believe you will not have everything you need to maintain weight loss.
Phases 1 and 2 are the basic steps you need to stabilize your relationship with food.
I've split the course into two parts to reduce overwhelm and give you more choice as to how much time and money you invest. This way you can opt to purchase the whole course or dip your toe in the water. You'll walk away from this section with key stabilizing tools and if you choose to come back for Phases 3 and 4, the price of this course will go toward the full course.
If we are working 1:1 I will be happy to share some more personalized ranges so you feel like you're in the right ballpark but this program is not based on numbers and strategies as much as practical changes that *feel* right for you.
I offer ongoing support in 1- and 3-month increments so you can integrate the information with as much support as you need before you're totally on your own.
This path takes a little longer than a 30-day challenge. I have found that after 1 month, your natural awareness starts helping you make choices more intuitively. After 3 months, these habits are solidified, and after 6 months you will have navigated all the challenges you will experience (plateaus, holidays, parties, etc).
This is why I like to stay accessible (via Virtual Support or 1:1 sessions) to clients for at least 6 months so you can find your way through all these new experiences without falling back into old patterns.
Many of my clients have been able to continue losing or, at least maintain their results, after 6 months.
This form of guided healing helps clients gain insight into the most common triggers in the weight loss journey (why no one enjoys tracking, your relationship with the scale, navigating plateaus, how to know what to eat using your body and intuition for guidance, etc). When triggers are not derailing you, the "right" choices become more clear and you have lower resistance to taking action.
If you've not tried this modality yet, sign up for a free resource to shift your relationship to the scale on my website (