Q2 Challenge: Revisit Your New Years Resolutions

I met with a friend a few weeks ago whose actions really inspired me. I left thinking real inspiration says, "I can do that" not "I should do that". That makes all the difference in my opinion between the people that act and the people that talk.
If you're in the corporate world, you know that Q1 recently closed. I spoke with someone a few weeks ago that talked about his personal goals in quarters and I felt so inspired to do the same. Moving into Q2, I decided to revisit my own intentions for this year ("New Year's Resolution"). I admit, it takes a lot of courage to look yourself in the eye and own up to the actions (or inaction) that put you where you are, but I feel re-inspired to share the process.
That being said, I have noticed myself settling into a repetitive lifestyle- going through the motions while not actually making any measurable progress. There are a lot of reasons for this. The first thing I ask is how am I measuring progress? Is there a feeling, milestone, or behavior that I am willing to define? And do I know- and have a way to hold myself accountable to- the steps it takes to get there? Finally, why does that goal speak to me? How does it cause me to grow? 
Having clear, doable steps is important but if you're unable to connect them to the big picture, you will start to feel like you're spinning your wheels and be more likely to throw in the towel. 
As much as we crave stability, I think there is also a strong need for variety and when those two are out of balance, it's easy for progress to stagnate. If you find yourself here too, you're in good company. This quarter I set a goal for myself to help people revisit their initial motivation and connect their daily habits to the outcome their hoping for- starting with myself. (See the heart-to-heart questions I had with myself below) I've noticed my own resistance to moving forward in some areas- which looks like procrastinating, not meeting the deadlines I set for myself, or a churning feeling in my stomach when I think about having to do the tasks that support what I say I want to do. That was the biggest cue that it was time for me to revisit my goals for this year.
If you don't feel like you're on track for your goals at this point in the year, it might be time to get more clear on what you're actually wanting. It's great to want to "lose weight" or "get in shape" but what pieces of your daily routine need to be more supportive of your health? If you haven't thought about the steps that would take or- most importantly- how you will know you've arrived, you may benefit from scheduling some time with yourself to get clear on those things.
This week, set some time aside to check in with your new years resolutions and answer the following questions:
What am I doing regularly that supports my goal?
What progress have I already made? (No matter how tiny the steps, write them down!)
What could I do more regularly to see the progress I want?
How would I (realistically) measure "success" by Q3?
What kind of support do I need?
What words would I use to describe the type of person that has reached my goal?

This exercise was powerful for me and I hope these questions give you some clarity and new motivation! If you've been wondering if you can keep pushing toward your goals, here's your sign- YOU CAN!
What is one thing you'd like to commit to in order to see more progress this year? Let me know in the comments below.


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