Show Up For You
I made a deal with myself a few weeks ago to be more consistent and intentional with my morning rituals. The first hour of my day looks something like this: I wake up and consciously to say "I am so excited for today", I feed my body something nourishing, read something to feed my mind and soul, and I do Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube. I really love that she always encourages me, regardless of how the day is going or if I missed a day, to congratulate myself for "showing up for yourself" today. This feels really welcoming to me and even though it is a challenge for me to not let my mind rush to the next task of my day, I try to plan for the 30 minute video and practice being really "present".
Who do you who up for? Who is important enough in your life that you go out of your way to be there for? To be there when they ask for help moving, or a high five after trying something new, or a hug when they had a tough day?
Make a list of those people in your life who get your attention.
What do you show up for? What tasks, hobbies or projects do you show up for? When you are in your element, your "flow" what are you doing?
Make a list of what gets your attention.
How do you assign value to your showing up? How much do you get paid to show up for work? How much love do you feel when you show up at your family dinner?
Make a list of how much your attention is worth in a variety of settings.
What if you thought of showing up for yourself as having the same value as showing up for your family? What if, no matter what, you committed to show up for you a little more often. How would the people around you experience you? How much more would you enjoy your activities? How would your role in the office or at home have a greater impact if you were to show up more fully present?
Gretchen Rubin said, "What you do every day is more important than that you do every now and then" and I remind myself of it often. I've noticed that when I am able to "show up" and really settle into the now-ness of the current moment, it has the power to shape the way my whole day turns out. And the more I can add things to my morning that set me up for success, the more I miss them if I can't make them part of my routine.
What's working when it comes to your morning routine? What is one thing you would you like to try this week? Share in the comments below!