Feeling unsupported? Try this!

Have you ever felt so irritated with your partner or even just coworkers for not offering help?

Have you ever heard yourself think “can’t the see I need some help?”

The odds are good that you too have been in this situation- wanting support and feeling only the lack of it.

You give your best all day.

I know you are very capable of balancing a lot of tasks- keeping all those plates spinning seems effortless on the surface.

And yet, on the inside you may be feeling anxious and burned out, maybe even enraged for all the work you do that goes unnoticed.

I feel you.

And yet, you don’t want to burden someone else, or come across as needy.

You want to feel powerful in your feminine energy while also getting what you actually need- support.

Feminine energy is all about receiving.

If you are in a state of action to the point of feeling angry and burned out, I invite you to practice a tool I use when I’m feeling this way.

This is a practice that will flip this around, as if overnight.

Step 1.

Lay on the floor.

Step 2:

Put one hand on your heart and the other on your belly.

Step 3:

Notice the air; Imagine it kissing and caressing your skin

Step 4:

Take a deep breath. Notice which hand rises and see if you can focus on pushing your breath against the hand that is on your belly.

Step 5:


In yoga class, the last pose- savasana- the one where you lay on your back in stillness, always seemed like a waste of time.

Like, “yeah, yeah, yeah, ‘absorb the benefits of your practice’ blah, blah, blah.” I’d here myself say.

And that’s when I had a teacher explain it differently and it shifted my mental image.

Instead of imaging your body melting into the floor- which was rather challenging for me to do- imagine you’re laying on a bed of chocolate.

The warmth of your body does to chocolate what warmth does- it makes it melt.

Instead of you melting into a puddle, imagine the floor melting around your body, meeting your limbs with a gentle cocoon-like support.

Try to scan from the top of your head down to your toes and, instead of saying “relax”, try inviting your body to “receive support”.

Receive as much as you can.

Step 6:

Take a deep breath and tell yourself “this is what this feels like”

Sometimes, I use a deep breath to act as a polaroid for the felt-sense I’m wanting to capture the memory of.

Like when you experience happiness when you watch a child play, take a breath. Click.

Imagine, like a photograph, this experience is leaving an impression on your insides.

And like a photograph, you can go back and revisit that memory any time you’d like.

To be the woman that receives more support, without nagging, we have to become someone that is willing to receive support.

Practice with the floor, then the people around- let them hold the door for you or serve your coffee- and then the people closest to you.

This will instantly soften your body and your vibe and you’ll start to notice people around you being more available to help.

Let me know in the comments below how this shift changes things in your world!


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